Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ELA 20- Family History Projects and Still I Rise

We have been working on family history projects for the past few classes.So far the research done has been very interesting. Please make sure you have information at school to do your work.
Today we will be looking at an extremely famous work entitled "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou.

Watch it be performed here:

Like I said, music is poetry!

Monday, November 28, 2011

ELA 30- Grammar Workshop Week!

Beginning tomorrow, November 29, we will be reviewing basic to intermediate grammar principles. It is important to review these principles to improve your writing and prepare yourself for the departmental exam.

Here is a list of interactive activities that will help you as we go:

Comma Splices and Fused Sentences

Sentence Fragments

Irregular Verbs


Parallel Sentence Structure

Pronoun Agreement

Subject Verb Agreement

Word Choice


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Food Studies 7-

Chicken Strip Lab Questions:

1. Describe, step-by-step, how to make homemade chicken strips.
2. Why did you need to put flour on the chicken before the egg?
3. What was the purpose of dipping the chicken in egg and milk?
4. What spices did you add to the cracker crumbs? What other spices might you use?
5. What is the safest way to tell if chicken is cooked? What are two other ways to tell if chicken is cooked?
6. What method did you use to cook the chicken? What other methods could you use?
7. What food bourne illness (type of food poisining) could be caused by raw chicken?
8. What is cross contamination? Explain two ways you prevented cross contamination during the lab.
9. What other ingredients do you think you could use, other than cracker crumbs, to coat the chicken?

Games! Woo Hoo!

The Food Safety Wheel

Safe Temperature Game- hit CTRL and + to enlarge

Fight Bac Game

Stack the Fridge

- Various Games

Check the BBQ!

Food Safety Mobile


ELA 20- Your Memoir- Understanding your family history

You will be embarking on a quest for answers regarding your own personal history.

You will be required to do research outside of school and compile your own personal memoir. You will receive more detail in class!

"Voices of the Grandmothers" Personal Essay by Christine Welsch

Creating your own life story blog.

Grade 10- Poe's "The Raven"

A helpful, interactive version of the poem, "The Raven"

The Simpson's version of "The Raven"

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Grade 10- Edgar Allan Poe and The Tell Tale Heart

We will be reading and viewing two of Poe's most famous works- "The Tell Tale Heart" and "The Raven"

Is it more effective to view or read "The Tell Tale Heart"?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Grade 10- Frankenstein

Here is the next ELA 10 assignment, Due WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2


“The Nineteenth Century was a time of great change. The advances in science and technology made possible the Industrial Revolution, a revolution which fundamentally altered the way in which millions of people lived their lives. However, not everyone was willing to accept the notion that such change was, by its nature, inevitably beneficial to humanity. Indeed, the wisdom of placing too much faith in science is called into question in some of the literature of the time. This theme can be found in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Shelley seems to be suggesting, amongst other things, that raising science to the status of godhood carries with it inherent risks that demand careful consideration.” (

Are we destroying our society by continually advancing technology?

Mary Shelley tells us that technological inventions (represented by ‘The Monster’) are not always good, and she warns society that we must be wise (Frankenstein was not wise to create ‘The Monster’) about what we create/invent, because the products themselves can get away on us and actually end up harming our society and/or environment (the way ‘The Monster’ destroyed Frankenstein’s family).


This assignment requires you to research an invention to research that you believe has ended up harming our society or environment. Research the inventor of the product and the reasons that he/she invented this product. Describe the problems that this invention/product has had on society. At the end of your research paper, decide who is more at fault for letting the product/invention cause destruction to our environment and/or society: the inventor, or the consumer.


1. This is a formal RESEARCH essay (2-3 pg) that must be footnoted. Follow the footnote to see what a footnote is.

2. EVERY jot note you take must have the URL beside it- you will need this when you do your footnoting. You will be handing in your jot notes! Use the research form provided. (dropbox: E)

3. You must FOLLOW the essay format correctly, if you do not, you will be required to revise your essay until it follows the requirements.

4. Your rough draft must be submitted for editing before the due date.

5. Topic sentences, concluding sentences and transition sentences must be used.

6. Title page, page numbers, double spacing and FORMAL bibliography will be required.


Paragraph 1: Introduction

Briefly introduce the invention, the inventor, the usages of the product, the problems associated with the product.

Your thesis- Who is at fault for the problems caused by the product? The users or the inventor. Soooo….the last sentence in this paragraph is going to state what you believe (inventor or users) and a short explanation why!

Paragraph 2: The inventor (or inventors)

Discuss the life of the inventor. Who was he/she? Where did he she/live? How old was he/she when the invention was made? Did he/she work for anybody? Were they paid to make the invention? Interesting facts that are relevant to explaining the life of the inventor.

Paragraph 3: The purpose/goals for the invention

Discuss WHY this product was invented? Discuss 3-5 reasons why this product was regarded as useful. What needs was it fulfilling? How did it make life more efficient?

Paragraph 4: Problems caused by the invention

Discuss the social/environmental problems caused by this product- What about the product is harmful? To what extent does it cause damage? Who does it harm? Discuss 3-5 problems caused by your product.

Paragraph 5: Who is at fault?

Who is at fault for the problems caused by product: the inventor, or the consumer? Give 3 pieces of evidence that back up your position.


Monday, October 24, 2011

ELA 30- 'Mirage' - Tommy Douglas Documentary

CPAC - Video on Demand

ELA 10- Week of Oct. 24

Hey Grade 10s:

This week you have 2 major assessments:

1) Wednesday, Oct 26- DRACULA QUIZ (know plot, characters, symbols- study questions and vocabulary)

2) Thursday, October 27- DRACULA PROJECT

Monday, October 10, 2011

I hope you had a restful and relaxing long weekend!

Here is the tentative plan for us today:

ELA 10- Act III of "Dracula" and beginning "Dracula Project."

ELA 30- The art of the in-class essay- we will be learning how to write an effective essay in a short period of time. The powerpoint below was developed for university students, so we will be utilitzing the presentation to understand what colleges and universities will expect you to be able to do in regards to your in-class essay writing.

ELA 20- Last day to work on ideal school presentations.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, September 19

I apologise to my faithful readers that I have neglected to post regularly.

Grade 10s- Letters to the editor- now due
We are working on our unknown essays...remember proof for/against!

Grade 11s- get in your cutouts, storybook analysis and reflections- I am looking forward to reading them! We will be exploring cosumerism more...

Grade 12s- I think everyone is up to date- tomorrow we will review Borders!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So, this is what happened today:

ELA 10- we re-learned and practiced listening skills. In the second class we began working on editorial letters. Here is the rubric if you are interested.

ELA 20- we had a short work period before you went to Pierceland

ELA 30- we read about Multiculturalism, and you should finish questions #1-11 for homework.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Charlie, that really hurt!

Alrighty- back to another week.

Walk to Breakfast was a nice way to start the week!

Grade 11s- we are working on analyzing children's literature for stereotyping...
- firstly, read the article on Gender Stereotypes in Children's Literature
- secondly, analyze a storybook according to established criterea, and post to your blog.
- thirdly, reflect on how stereotypes have influenced your development! Hand in for assessment!
YOUR LIFESIZE CUT OUTS ARE NOW DUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They will be put up soon!

Grade 12s- Please get your editorials in to me ASAP! We will be reading about and discussing Canadian Multiculturalism tomorrow!

Grade 10s- See me if you are missing work! Tomorrow we are learning about writing letters to the editor.

Funny Video! Thanks AW for reminding me of this!

Monday, September 5, 2011


Hey everyone! I hope you all had a chance to enjoy the b-e-a-utiful weather this weekend!
This week is supposed to be very nice too, so hopefully we can all stay focussed getting school work done efficiently so we can all savour what is left of summer!

GR 10s- you should have your 2 mysteries explained, with video, link, and image to accompany each.

Today we will be taking a look at a few mysterious events and reflecting on whether we think they are plausible....or impossible.

The first is the bermuda triangle:

The second is the Loch Ness monster

You will read and learn about the theories that support and refute these strange phenomena. Then you will respond to each, stating if you are a skeptic or believer, using evidence to support your position.

Grade 12s- You will be writing an editorial to post on your blog!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone is getting back into the school groove! We've spent our first classes reviewing classroom policies and procedures, and we have been introduced to our first units of study.

Grade 10s- Please remember your blog agreement sheets, and don't forget to get your blog up and running for tomorrow.

Grade 11s- Blog agreements and, please bring pictures and stories for your 'Looking Back' project. (Remember this will be a summative- grade based- assessment!)

Grade 12s- Bring your signed blog agreements, and you're set for tomorrow!

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


ELA 10- Intro to Macbeth

PAA 10- Windows and Window Treatments

PAA 7- Baking Basics Lab

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday, May 2

1. History- We discussed current events
- you were given questions regarding elections in Canada
- They are due Thursday, May 5.

2. PAA 9
- you worked on a cake decorating Prezi

3. PAA 10
- Paint inquiry

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Whoa! Mega News..

Well over the break a lot of current events have emerged...

Tornados killed over 300 in USA.

William and Kate have wed. And yes, I stayed up to watch!

Liberals dropped in the polls as the NDP surged.

Osama bin Laden was killed.

May 2nd- Election Day in Canada!

All you 18 year olds get out and vote!

If you'd like a last minute look at the leaders here you go:

Elizabeth May Interview

Jack Layton Interview

Michael Ignatieff Interview

Stephen Harper Interview

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ELA 10- Intro to Shakespeare and Macbeth

ELA 30- "Night" by Elie Wiesel

Flickr Photo Gallery 1

Letters regarding treatment of Jews

Virtual Tour of Auschwitz

Oprah Visits Auschwitz with Elie Wiesel

The Final Solution

United States Holocaust Memorial

Tuesday, April 19

History 20

Hitler Questions

ELA 30

Crucible 3&4 reviewed
Crucible notes


Choose one ignoble character and one noble character, along with Hale, to analyze.

For each character:

a)State whether they are ignoble or noble
b)Find four quotations, in chronological order through the book that exemplify the personality of the character.
c)Explain how each quote exemplifies the nature of the character.


Proctor- Noble

1. "quotation goes here."
- explain the quotation here....ex: this shows Proctor's commitment to Elizabeth as
he goes out of his way to...
2. "
3. "
4. "

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday, April 18

Assessment for Global Issues equality unit- concept mapping the major concepts and literarature we have examined and learned about during this unit.
Three Cups of Tea Literary Essay- Rough Draft due Wednesday... looks like G.M. is in some hot water- we will discuss this next class.

The Crucible- Act 3 & 4 Qs due. Quiz Tuesday. PAA 10 Your floor plans are due. The basement plans are also due.

History 20

Artifact due Tuesday (tomorrow)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Check out this great MSN video: Debate: Highlight reel

How interesting...

History 20- Wednesday

Hour 1: Read about Mussolini and his rise to power in ITALY. Answer the following questions:

1. Why was Mussolini admired by Italian people?
2. Following WWI, what contributed to dissatisfaction with the Italian government?
3. What is socialism? Why would middle class Italians be opposed to a socialist government?
4. How was Mussolini able to come to power? What was his political philosophy? Explain.
5. What were the goals of Mussolini's party (and the ideology itself)?
6. Why were fascist ideas supported?
7. What was the March of Rome? Explain its significance.
8. Under Mussolini, what was the structure of Italian government like? How did Mussolini gain totalitarian control?
9. What was Italy's foreign policy like?
10. How did the League of Nations deal with Italy's aggressive behaviour? Could they have done more? If you complete this work within the hour, please take time to work on your artifacts.

Hour 2:

1. Review Stalin questions
2. Mussolini

Big Questions:

Are fascist and communist ideologies similar? In what ways are they different? What was daily life like for those living under governments who practiced these ideologies?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Three Cups of Tea- Essay Rubric

Essay Question: How did Greg Mortensen show social responsibility in Three Cups of Tea?

*** Remember MLA formatting (12 pt font, title page, in-text citations, proper integration of quotations, bibliography)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Stalin Era Artifact


-Know that both totalitarian and authoritarian regimes place restrictions on the rights of individual citizens and the involvement of individual citizens in national decision making.
-Know that the traditional mechanisms utilized by totalitarian and authoritarian regimes to control the actions of citizens include a compliant and loyal police; obedient bureaucracies, military and judiciary; effective control of all forms of communication; and severe limits on public participation in political decision-making processes.
-Know that authoritarian and totalitarian regimes institute many similar policies such as limiting legal political opposition, curtailing the rights of association, free speech, and judicial safeguards for the public.

Gulags- Forced Labour Camps

- letter from Gulag admin to Stalin
- Prisoner's workbook
-Official publications and periodicals represented slavory as a tool of reeducation changing people minds, turning them into dedicated builders of Communism. The newspapers below were distributed within labor camps only.
-Map of Soviet Russia's Gulags


Sample Letter from Gulag

Letter from Lenin regarding religion

Letter to Soviets asking to be spared execution

Letter from Cheka

Lenin sentences Kulaks Original Document

Doctor as witness to the disaster of collectivization ORiginal

Decision to censor novel

Friday, April 8, 2011

Count down to spring break....more recipes :D

1. S'more Pie A

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Interior Design Rubrics-

New Project:

House Floor Plan:

Cake Decorating

Crumb Coat

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I apologize to all of my devout followers; I have not been posting on a regular basis. I know how disappointed you all must be in me :P

Here is an update of the happenings in ELA/HIST/PAA


We are writing an analytic essay together as a class- the question is "How did Greg Mortensen show social responsibility in the book "Three Cups of Tea?"


We are reading a play by Arthur Miller entitled "The Crucible." It is a literary classic and I think you will enjoy it!
ACT ONE, Questions 1-8 are due for Monday.


We just finished our unit in WWI with an exam. We are moving into a short unit about the interwar period.


Food Safety--> Healthy eating will come soon.

PAA9- Cake decorating...

Now I will leave you with a cool little tune for a sunny spring day:

Friday, March 25, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Th-Th-Thursday! (March 24)

Here's the Scoop!


Hour 1-
Current Events?
Last class to work on comparisons between Middle Eastern revolutionary movements and the Russian Revolution.

Hour 2-
The End of WWI

ELA 30
Human Qualities and Ideals
Admirable Traits

Hour 1-
Brainstorming Admirable Traits
Reading Obituaries
1 in 8 Million

Hour 2-

A) Read "Like the Sun" by R. K. Narayan
B) Complete the following questions. GRADE 12 level responses please :)

1. Briefly describe what happened in the story.

2. Who was the main character, and what type of internal struggle did he face?

3. Did the central characters ultimately make the honorable choices?

4. What risks did the main character face by acting honorably? In what aspects might the risks have paid off? In what aspects did the risks not pay off?

5. Explain how a person's actions reflect his/her values.

6. If a person has a few admirable qualities, does that make the person admirable? If not, what does it take to be admirable?

7. Do all people have the potential to be admirable? Explain why or why not.

C) Journal Entry
Discuss the life of an admirable person that you know- either personally or from afar. Why do you admire them?

ELA 10B:

Timeline of G.M.'s life since K2.

Reading about the education of females in Pakistan.

Journal Entry

Three Cups of Tea

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Three Cups of Tea


ELA 30:

Last 2 classes to work on essay

Remember FORMAL ESSAY FORMAT! See your course outline for details.

History 20:

Hour 1:

Finish up video
Finish vocabulary and review
Project if time

Hour 2:

Project: Comparing and Contrasting Russian Revolution with Middle Eastern Revolutionary Movements


ELA 30B:

Worked on essay...see yesterdays post for description


Finished up 'I have a Dream'

Hist 20:

Russian Revolution Video

PAA 10:

Floor Planning


History 20:

Reviewed WWI concepts
Learned about Russian Revolution (ppt & video)

ELA 30:

Wrapped up "Remember the Titans"
Essay Assignment: Choose a song that reflects your personal and social identity and write a 700 - 1000 word essay explaining why.

PAA 10:
Finished up project stuff.


Discussion about fundraiser.
Planning began.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Libya seems to be descending further into chaos.

-Gaddaffi has refused to step down and there is no sign that he will cede power peacefully.

-Attacks continue to be carried out against protesters- many have been killed or injured.

-The protesters have realized Gaddaffi will not step down, so they are attempting to take control of the state by seizing strategic locations (primarily oil cities) in Libya and engaging in armed conflict with the state.

-The state has launched air strikes on these locations.

-The fact that air strikes have been carried out has the international community questioning if it should impose a 'no-fly-zone' over Libya. This would mean Libya, along with the international community could not fly within Libyan airspace. If an airplane was sent into Libyan airspace the international community, who is imposing the ban, could shoot the plane down. This could have major global consequences. On the other hand, a 'no-fly-zone' would serve to protect Libyan civilians.

-As of right now it looks as though Libya will continue spiraling into civil war (a war fought amongst members of the same nation).

Wednesday, March 9

History 20

Questions regarding Armenian Genocide.

PAA 9:

Questions on food safety/taco lab.

PAA 10:

Worked on project.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tuesday, March 7

ELA 10

Lets discuss the fundraiser and do some brainstorming.
I have a Dream! (hour 2)

ELA 30-

Finishing up decision making style quiz and answering a few questions.

1. Which question was most difficult for you to answer? Why? Explain.

2. Which question was easiest for you to answer? Why? Explain.

3. Share one question and your answer. Elaborate on your response.

4. Which decision making style are you identified as?

5. Do you agree with the results of the quiz? Justify your response.

6. What does your decision makin style say about your personality and identity? Expand and explain.
Watching Remember the Titans!

History 20 (With Mr. Moore)

1. Finish up letters or reports
2. Read 'Theatres of War' handout
3. Choose one battle on the Eastern or Italian Front to answer the following questions on:

  • Which countries participated in the battle?

  • Where did the battle take place?

  • Briefly summarize the fighting.

  • What was the outcome of the battle? (casualties, winner, land gained/lost)

  • What was the significance of the battle? (what made it important in the course of the war?)

Visit this WWI link for reliable information on the Eastern Front.

Visit this WWI link for reliable information on the Italian Front.

Part 2 of class:

Who were the Armenians?

How were the Armenians treated in the Ottoman Empire (present day Turkey) under the Ottoman Turks?

How did the Armenians try to change their treatment in the Ottoman Empire?

What did the Armenians endure under the Ottoman Sultans?

What was the CUP?

How did the Armenian Genocide begin? How did the Turks justify the genocide?

Describe how the genocide was carried out. What was the final outcome of the genocide?

Monday, March 7

ELA 30-Decisions- We played "What would you do?" and "Would you rather..." to get a sense of how we make decisions.
You started a decision making style quiz.


ELA 10-
You self assessed your journals (good job, by the way!)
We expanded your internal lexicon!

History 20-

You worked on WWI letters OR reports.

PAA 10-
Handed in Portfolios & began sketches for Elements and Principles project. Yipee!

I'm excited to see what you come up with!

Friday, March 4, 2011

ELA 30

Your questions are due for "Man with a Camera" or "Our Corner."
Your writing assignment regarding "would you speak up?" is due.

We have been reading a personal essay entitled "Under the Influence" by Scott R. Sanders. This is to help us learn about choices, and how our choices impact others.

Yesterday we talked a little bit about regret and then wrote about a decision we regret.

What is the decision you regret?
Who did you affect by making this decision?
What lessons did you learn?
What changes have you made?

Your job during reading is to come up with six types of questions.

6 Types (1 for each): Facts, Feelings, Cautionary, Positive, Creative, Deep Understanding.

Today in P.4 you will be with Mr. Moore:

Your job is to write two FORMAL (topic sentences, proper grammar, closing sentences, three well explained main points) paragraphs answering the questions below.

1. In a well developed parapgrah discuss how the 'decisions' of Sanders' father affected Sanders.

2. In a persuasive (argue only one side) paragraph decide whether or not addiction is a choice. Use informed arguments to build your case- remember you need 3 main supporting points.

When complete please have someone you trust proof your paragraphs for spelling, proper sentence structure, grammar, etc. and then type in 'formal assignment format.'

DUE: Monday, March 7.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Unrest in Mid-East Spreads

Since the Tunisian pro-democracy protests in January, several other Middle Eastern nations have followed suit in displaying discontentment with their current autocratic regimes.

1. Egypt liberated itself soon after Tunisia.

2. Current media attention has been directed at Libyan protests that have turned violent. Unlike Mubarak, Gadhafi (Libyan President) has taken extreme measures against civilians to ensure he remains in power. He blames the press for misconstruing events in Libya. Click the link for info on Libya.

3. Unrest has been growing in Yemen.

4. Saudi Arabians under a monarch have reasons for discontentment. The current King has pledged 37 billion dollars in social aids for citizens in an attempt to prevent any unrest.

Welcome Back!

ELA 10- Teen Aid
2nd Hour- Discuss speaking out videos
- Answer questions about speaking out videos
- DJ Smooth on Speaking up
- Role play! Speak Up

ELA 30- Finish up questions
- Videos about speaking up against sterotypes
- What would these scenarios look like in Saskatchewan? What do you predict the outcome would be? What would you do? Explain.

2nd Hour- Teen Aid

History- WWI Documentary
Taking notes will be to your benefit.
Participation marks for those who submit notes.

Hour 2-
Propaganda Questions

1. Using your own words, define propaganda.
2. How does propaganda differ from advertising?
3. What is the purpose of propaganda?
4. In what forms can propaganda be found?
5. Why was propaganda used during World War One?

Review WWI Questions
Discuss WWI questions and hand in group responses

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

One more day!

History 20-

Notes- Causes- add to notes and hand in for marks.
Propaganda assignment

ELA 30-

Children pick up on stereotypes...a video.
Testing our own bias
"Our Corner" (J. Shui, China - Tapestries)
"Man With A Camera" (E. Alfon, Philippines - Tapestries)

A) Characterization Chart
B) Questions
1. Write a brief summary of the selection(s) describing the situation where stereotyping was involved and how the character's view of himself changed because of the stereotyping.
2. How did you feel as you read the inside thoughts of the character that was being stereotyped by others?
3. Discuss how you felt about the behaviour shown towards others. Do you feel you could act any differently as a member of society towards others? Explain.
4. What lesson is the author trying to teach readers?

ELA 10-
History of Civil Rights Clip
Speech Template'Speaking Out' videos



ELA 10- worked on q's for Amnesty articles and some work on presentations


ELA10B-reviewed q's for Amnesty articles, watched videos about human rights (What do human rights mean to you? Amnesty International-What we do), discussed challenges to speaking out for equal treatment, journaled.
"Pick one human right that not all humans experience. Why might these people not experience that right? Why is it important to ensure that all people have the same rights? What challenges are we faced with when standing up for the rights of others?"

ELA30B- Stereotypes, Bias, Prejudice, isms. How do we learn stereotypes? We watched cartoons to see the stereotypical ideas we learn as we grow.

Monday, February 14, 2011


History 20
- current events
- we reviewed MANIA
- we did a quick assessment to see how much you remember about the causes of WW1
- we learned about propaganda and how it helped created national unity and support for the war!
- Do the Qs for next class!!

PAA 9- we made cupcakes!

PAA 10- E of Design

Candian Students Call for Love via Flashmob!


Foods 7

Last class we learned about microbes!!!!

Today we are going to play some games that will teach us more about food safety...

The Food Detectives Fight Back - Play and pass all 4 games then make your own certificate.

Food Safety Games- Play Youth then Adult

Load the Fridge

The Spud Zone- Click the star on the fridge to play

BBQ Safety- Use your danger zone thermometer!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

On this Valentine's Day: Chocolate

Hmmmmmmmm... do you know where your chocolate treats come from!? Check out this documentary about the use of child labour in the chocolate industry...

There are 4 parts (A,B,C,D) which can be found on YouTube.

Hosni Mubarak Resigns

Yes, on Friday (Saturday) Hosni Mubarak resigned as President of Egypt. He ceded power to the Egyptian Military.
-The Military then met protesters demands by dissolving parliment and suspending the constitution.
-The Military is entrusted with the control of the country until it fosters the transition to a democratic governing body. Apparently (according to 'wikileaks') the Military's top ranking official Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi is close friends with Mubarak, sharing similar worldviews and perspectives.

What's Next??

Will the Military avoid prolonging their authority in Egypt?

Will the Military foster democratic reform?

What is the role Western nations in the transition to democracy?

Will the Muslim Brotherhood take over?

Will a radical group 'highjack' the revolution's goals?

Will Egypt see a transition into democracy?

What will happen to Mubarak's fortune?

CBC VIDEO- Post Mubarak

Thursday, February 10, 2011

HW for the weekend.

History 20- Please complete the questions I gave you. Curlers, you received this yesterday so please complete for Monday.

ELA 30- Remember, visual, reflection and questions should be in next Wednesday, which is February 16.

ELA 10- Questions for editorial letter due Monday.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Uncontacted Humans- petition to protect

Avatar....romanticized visions of Indigenous inhabitants...

Watching this video, I felt too much like a spectator of these people rather than seeing them as my fellow human beings. The video portrays the people in an 'avatar-like' way as some of you pointed out... I hope we can keep these people humanized instead of dehumanizing them...In much of history, those in power have dehumanized people which justified subjecting them to various oppressions (taking land, culture, assimilation, anihilation, etc....)

By publicizing this group of people it is the hope that the lands they inhabit will become internationally protected and they will be left alone.

Hopefully the 'curious' can stay away! There are few people left on earth who have not been colonized and industrialized...we need to learn from history and realize that contact may not be in the interest of these people (disease, loss of culture, death, extinction).

A few of you wanted to sign the petition so here it is. You can click the link at the bottom of the video. I'm impressed with your desire to take action regarding these people! Your voices are powerful!

Here is an interesting link:

Sask. Express was so cool!

I thoroughly enjoyed Sask. Express! It was awesome to see the Glee tribute... Maybe I will have to tune into Glee one of these days :)

History 20-
1. Current Events
2. Last cause of WWI presentation
3. MANIA knockdown
4. Notes about causes
5. WWI video

ELA 30-
1. Reflection- Identity, Slam Poetry and D. H. Taylor
2. 'Visual of Me' and Reflection

ELA 10- Worked on photostories- MIC issues have been resolved :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday/Tuesday Recap

ELA 10- We have been working on our research of 'socially responsible' organizations...

ELA 30- Tuesday- Last Day to work on self discovery letters/questions- Bring completed questions NEXT TUESDAY (FEBRUARY 15)

PAA 10- We covered the Elements of Design (aside from colour). You have been busy working on your portfolios. Remember a BINDER and PLASTIC PAGE COVERS.

Tomorrow is Sask. Express from 1:00-2:00 PM.

Friday is the Ski Trip!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ruling party (those under Mubarak) reportedly resigns

mmmmmmmmmmm! plans for the break

So as we all know, February Break is just around the corner! I'm looking forward to a week where I can just hang out and relax :)

During the break I'm going to do some interior designing... and some cooking/baking!

I've been coming across several recipes that I want to try, so when I'm visiting at home during the break I'm definitely going to try these recipes out on my family and friends!

If you are looking for something new to make over the break come check out the blog!

1. Pizza Bites

2. Buffalo Chicken & Cheese Dip

3. Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

4. Cheeseburger Quiche

5. Greek Layer Dip

6. Jalepeno Popper Dip

7. Cookie Dough Truffles

8. Spicy Asian Beef

9. Baked Zucchini Fries

10. Teriyaki Skewers

Caramelized Onion & Bacon Mac 'n Cheese's not bad for you if you make it from scratch, right?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3

History 20- We researched and presented- will finish up tomorrow

ELA 10- we reviewed Donne questions, talked about equal rights and social responsibility, and started a new project.

ELA 30- Slam poetry

Egyptian Videos


Obama urges immeadiate transfer of power in Egypt

Strombo Show

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Violence in Tahir Square

A voice for The People- Egyptian Pro-Democracy Protester

An insightful look into the outlook of pro-democracy peaceful protesters.

History 20

We are researching the causes of WWI...presentations will be tomorrow as we have 2 hours of class!

ELA 30- Feb. 2


Today we discussed/finished questions on 'The Crack-Up," so that assignment is now homework!

We began writing questions about ourselves which will be answered by an adult in our lives. The questions (6-7) will be accompanied by a formal letter of request asking the adult to honestly answer the questions. There will be more class time for this.

ELA 10- Equality & Responsibility

Today we discussed the Egyptian Revolution and how 'the people' are taking RESPONSIBILITY for their society and what happens in it. They are speaking and acting out against their government.

We then read John Donne's 'Meditation XVII' (No Man is an Island)which helped us to understand the interconectedness of all human beings. He tells us that what affects one affects us all.

You answered some questions in your portfolios/journals about the slam poetry and social responsibility.

To what extent are we responsible for our fellow human beings?
What did the poets say? Discuss equality, power, similarities and differences (among the poets).

Mubarak will not run for 're-election'

Shortly after we discussed the Revolution in Egypt, President Mubarak adressed the nation of Egypt and the world. Mubarak stated that he would not run for re-election in Europe. Will this diffuse protesters?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

History 20- Review

Today in history we reviewed some grade 10 stuff. We looked at imperialism and political ideologies...perhaps I will explain a bit more about ideologies tomorrow.

So, hopefully we are in the mindset for understanding the causes of WWI :)

Understanding the outbreak of this war is tricky- it involves understanding stragegy, historical alliances and the nature of power.

Here is a funny video which actually simplifies the causes of this large-scale war:

If you listen to the video while refering to the map things will make a lot more sense!

ELA 10- Oh Snap!


Today in class we shared our quotes and the reasons why we chose them!
We then talked a little bit about responsibility and who we are responsible for/to.

We watched some slam poetry regarding social responsibility! *Snap Snap Snap*

The vids didn't want to embed (yes, they have minds of their own) are the links:

Following the poetry we discussed how and to whom the poets were displaying responsibility!

ELA 30- Feb. 1 Self Identity

Hello D & P:

Today we shared our quotes and why we picked them- good job you guys! I was very impressed :)

Then we examined our identity and identified 10 qualities that we possess and the actions that prove we actually possess those qualities...

We then identified qualities about one another. The results were quite interesting!

In keeping with the theme of self identity and knowing ourselves we read a poem called "I am not I" by Juan Romon Jiminez.

You then did a portfolio entry based on the self and peer identified character traits...

  1. How do you see yourself?
  2. How do others see you?
  3. What are the similarities and differences between how you see yourself and how others see you?
  4. How does this 'self identity' discovery relate to the poem "I am not I" by Jiminez?

Following these activities (it was a double class) you read "The Crack-Up" by Fitzgerald and did the response questions. Yippee!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Egyptian Revolution?

Revolutions happen when an oppressed group bands together to protest and overthrow the established power within a nation or state.

This is exactly what is happening in Egypt as we speak.

The people are tired of corruption within their government. They have been enduring high unemployment rates, poverty and inflation as a result of the choices of the Mubarak government- a non-democratic political leader.

Ever since the 1950s Egypt has been ruled by 'dictatorial' leaders. The country has been under emergency law since the 1960s. Emergency law allows the government to take extreme control over the government- censorship and denying freedoms is a large part of this control.

Protests call for the current regime to step down and be replaced with governance system based on democratic principles...

If the government dissolved itself political analysts say that perhaps the Muslim Brotherhood or the Army could take power.

As of right now the government has shut down internet service and mobile phone lines to curb protests. Canadians have been chartered out of the country.

New semester! Inspiring Quotations

Today was the first day of a new semester :)

We reviewed course outlines, reviewed rules, got acqainted with the new classroom layout and started an activitiy...

In ELA 10 & 30 we will be exploring global issues and understanding ourselves through literature...

Today we found quotes that reflect our individual selves and posted them up on the back board. You then reflected on the quote you chose and did your first portfolio entry...which is for HW if you are not finished... (Helpful questions to guide you:
How have your experiences led you to a place where this quote has meaning in your life? How could this quote help guide you through life? What does this quote say about you as a person?)

Tomorrow we will share our quotes and why we chose them! Here is mine:
To Have Succeeded
To laugh often and love much:
To win respect of intelligent people
And the affection of children;
To earn the approbation of honest critics
And endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To give one's self;
To leave the world a little better,
Whether by a healthy child,
A garden patch,
Or redeemed social condition;
To have played and laughed with enthusiasm
And sung with exultation;
To know even one life has breathed easier
Because you have lived...
This is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

In the afternoon Kevin Brooks came to share his experience with drinking and driving with us- it was a powerful presentation. Check out his site!

Friday, January 21, 2011


It is the last day of the semester...

We had a snow day yesterday which put us behind schedule for reviewing- especially in ELA 30...

Oh well, thats how it goes in Saskatchewan. We will cram today!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

ELA 30- The big question is "do we value some lives more than others?"

We have been looking at marginalization and what it means to be marginalized...

We have been reading poetry written by Aboriginal women about their positions in society.

There are stories and essays in the marginalized voices package which you can look at if you are interested...

Here are links to the clips we watched:
Stolen Sisters clips
United Nations experts on women’s rights call for Canadian action plan to stop violence against Indigenous women
There are numerous links to reports on here is one

All of the literature can be used on the departmental...speaking of departmental, we will be working on the practice exam for the remainder of our class time. YOU'RE WELCOME :)

ELA 20

We have been working on cover letters!!!!!

Tomorrow we will work on interview skills. Friday we will be reviewing!

ELA 10

We finished 'Z for Zachariah' today.

We then did some comma stuff...

Friday we will be reviewing!

Hist. 10

-We watched 'Sometimes in April' on Monday.

-Today we watched a TED video about American Expansionism and it's effect on the Indigenous peoples of North America- we then worked on a few sheets about the effects of Imperialism in Africa...The impact of colonialism on Indigenous inhabitants is very similar on all continents...

- Friday we will be reviewing for the final!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hist 10

Today in class we watched a video about Emmanuel Jal and then answered questions using some handouts.

Here are the questions for the first handout. Answers should be 3-4 sentences:

1. What was Africa like before Imperialism?

2. Why were the Imperial countries racing for colonies?

3. What forces enabled the Europeans to take control in Africa?

4. What was the Berlin Conference?

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Current Event- Effects of Imperialism

Imperialism In Africa: Modern Effects

Sudan has been independent from Britain/Egypt since 1956. Sudan was colonized by Britain during the Imperial Era.

The northern territory is primarily Muslim, while the southern is Christian. This has caused major conflict throughout the nation’s history.

Sudan is a war torn country- it has rarely seen peace in its existence. (civil war, Darfur crisis)

Literacy rate: 27% (males 40%; females 16%), persons 15 years and over.

Life Expectancy: 58

Poverty: Half the population live on less than the equivalent of $1 a day.

In an attempt to secure peace and re-establish infrastructure the North has offered to support the succession (formation of own country in territory of the southern area of the Nation.

Right now there is a vote occurring (referendum) on behalf of the south to decide if Sudan will split and become two nations.

Read more:


Music is a mode of expression for all people. I played a few songs for you in class that deal with the effects of Imperialism. For these artists, music is a way to express the political, social and economic hardships in Africa that are a result of lasting Imperial effects.

Check out this guy, a Sudanese child soldier who shares his stories through lyric and music.

History 10

Hello People:

For the last 2 classes we have learned about Imperialism. What is it? Why did it happen? Who was an imperialist? Where did they colonize? When did they colonize?

Today we focussed mainly on Africa and what is know as "The Scramble for Africa"

We played a game that simulated what colonization in Africa was like.

Remember to get your permission forms in to view 'Sometimes in April' a film about Rwandan genocide in 1994. It is a powerful film. I think you all would gain a lot from viewing it.


ELA 10:

You did a great job on your presentations today! I was very impressed with your creativity and dedication to the project. Awesome job guys!

You also handed in your Z notebooks today.

Marks will go out tomorrow- exemption requests need to be written by Monday!

Tomorrow we will watch Z on YouTube....

Ann is not as I pictured :S

E20- Toronto at Dreamer's Rock

Toronto at Dreamer's Rock sets are due on Monday (remember to label all of the parts of a set!)

They look awesome so far!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

ELA 20- Toronto at Dreamers Rock

Yesterday we talked about how Rusty has changed over the course of the play.

In the beginning, Rusty knows little about his Aboriginal culture. He shows little pride for his culture and he is lost. Keesic, the teen from the past, teaches that Odawa culture is about heart and language. He shows Rusty and Michael that Odawa culture is passed on through the language as many meanings can not be truly expressed through English. Rusty realizes the importants of his culture towards the end of the play. He is able to work through some of his confusion by talking with the people from the past and the present, and he learns to value his Odawa/Ojibway roots. He ends the play by singing a song in Odawa and thanking the creator; Meegwetch he says.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hist 10

Last week we finished off our Political Ideologies unit with presentations on various politicians and ideologies.

They were very well done. I was pleased with the work you exhibited : )

Monday is the quiz! I hope you all studied!

ELA 10- Z

Hello 10s,

On Friday we finished 'Z'

Presentations for your inquiry research will be on Wednesday as we do not have class Monday.

Your 'Z' Notebooks will also be due on Wednesday!


E 20- Toronto at Dreamer's Rock

We have been reading the play 'Toronto at Dreamer's Rock' by the renouned author and playwright: Drew Hayden Taylor.

Here is what we learned last week:

3 Main Characters (all from Ojibway/Odawa Nation):

Keesic- From the Past- Traditional
Rusty- From the Present- Caught in the middle
Michael - From the Future- No sense of culture

End up meeting at Dreamer's Rock, a real, spiritual place in central Ontario.

We learn that each character has their problems, some similar, some different.

Keesic- Likes girl from same clan....doesn't realize how much his life will soon change with the arrival of Europeans

Rusty- Girl problems, abusive father, identity crisis- to retain Aboriginal traditions or to be absorbed into dominant culture.

Michael- Girl problems, has lost culture.

Questions to consider:
What stereotypes does Taylor build up surrounding the characters and culture? How does he also tear them down? How does he use humour in this play to touch on big issues?

*** At the beginning of the week we did quick talks about marriage from several different cultures.

E 30- Last week/this week

ELA 30 People:

Last week we worked on SJW. This week we will continue to work on the SJW study.

Remember that it is due NEXT MONDAY- JANUARY 17!!

You have been working and reading really well in class- keep it up!


Monday, January 3, 2011

ELA 10/Hist 10

Today in ELA we continued reading 'Z'- up to chapter 15. Do this for homework if you are not done, then do the notebook work.

In history, today was your last political research day. Presentations are on Wednesday- first half of the double. The second half of the double is the DEBATE!

ELA 30- January 3- The Secret Lives!

Today we revisited Ethel Wilson's "We Have to Sit Opposite" and began reading a Canadian non-fiction, true crime novel entitled "The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson."

You recieved the reading and study guide today in class. Remember to keep up with your readings so you don't fall behind!!

Tonight's reading- if you didn't finish in class: Pg. 7-34


ELA 20- January 3

Today we read an excerpt from the non-fiction book: Aman: The Story of A Somali Girl

Aman, a young Somali girl, was married to a friend of her uncle's at the age of 13. The man was in his late 50s. Driven by poverty she married the man in a covert ceremony which most of her family was unaware of. Once her mother and father (divorced) found out, Aman immeadietely regreted the decision. Although she believed her father would save her from this marriage, Aman was not saved and her father legitimized the union to avoid family shame.

You then responded to the literature in your journals.