Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Grade 10- Frankenstein

Here is the next ELA 10 assignment, Due WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2


“The Nineteenth Century was a time of great change. The advances in science and technology made possible the Industrial Revolution, a revolution which fundamentally altered the way in which millions of people lived their lives. However, not everyone was willing to accept the notion that such change was, by its nature, inevitably beneficial to humanity. Indeed, the wisdom of placing too much faith in science is called into question in some of the literature of the time. This theme can be found in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Shelley seems to be suggesting, amongst other things, that raising science to the status of godhood carries with it inherent risks that demand careful consideration.” (

Are we destroying our society by continually advancing technology?

Mary Shelley tells us that technological inventions (represented by ‘The Monster’) are not always good, and she warns society that we must be wise (Frankenstein was not wise to create ‘The Monster’) about what we create/invent, because the products themselves can get away on us and actually end up harming our society and/or environment (the way ‘The Monster’ destroyed Frankenstein’s family).


This assignment requires you to research an invention to research that you believe has ended up harming our society or environment. Research the inventor of the product and the reasons that he/she invented this product. Describe the problems that this invention/product has had on society. At the end of your research paper, decide who is more at fault for letting the product/invention cause destruction to our environment and/or society: the inventor, or the consumer.


1. This is a formal RESEARCH essay (2-3 pg) that must be footnoted. Follow the footnote to see what a footnote is.

2. EVERY jot note you take must have the URL beside it- you will need this when you do your footnoting. You will be handing in your jot notes! Use the research form provided. (dropbox: E)

3. You must FOLLOW the essay format correctly, if you do not, you will be required to revise your essay until it follows the requirements.

4. Your rough draft must be submitted for editing before the due date.

5. Topic sentences, concluding sentences and transition sentences must be used.

6. Title page, page numbers, double spacing and FORMAL bibliography will be required.


Paragraph 1: Introduction

Briefly introduce the invention, the inventor, the usages of the product, the problems associated with the product.

Your thesis- Who is at fault for the problems caused by the product? The users or the inventor. Soooo….the last sentence in this paragraph is going to state what you believe (inventor or users) and a short explanation why!

Paragraph 2: The inventor (or inventors)

Discuss the life of the inventor. Who was he/she? Where did he she/live? How old was he/she when the invention was made? Did he/she work for anybody? Were they paid to make the invention? Interesting facts that are relevant to explaining the life of the inventor.

Paragraph 3: The purpose/goals for the invention

Discuss WHY this product was invented? Discuss 3-5 reasons why this product was regarded as useful. What needs was it fulfilling? How did it make life more efficient?

Paragraph 4: Problems caused by the invention

Discuss the social/environmental problems caused by this product- What about the product is harmful? To what extent does it cause damage? Who does it harm? Discuss 3-5 problems caused by your product.

Paragraph 5: Who is at fault?

Who is at fault for the problems caused by product: the inventor, or the consumer? Give 3 pieces of evidence that back up your position.


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