Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, September 19

I apologise to my faithful readers that I have neglected to post regularly.

Grade 10s- Letters to the editor- now due
We are working on our unknown essays...remember proof for/against!

Grade 11s- get in your cutouts, storybook analysis and reflections- I am looking forward to reading them! We will be exploring cosumerism more...

Grade 12s- I think everyone is up to date- tomorrow we will review Borders!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So, this is what happened today:

ELA 10- we re-learned and practiced listening skills. In the second class we began working on editorial letters. Here is the rubric if you are interested.

ELA 20- we had a short work period before you went to Pierceland

ELA 30- we read about Multiculturalism, and you should finish questions #1-11 for homework.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Charlie, that really hurt!

Alrighty- back to another week.

Walk to Breakfast was a nice way to start the week!

Grade 11s- we are working on analyzing children's literature for stereotyping...
- firstly, read the article on Gender Stereotypes in Children's Literature
- secondly, analyze a storybook according to established criterea, and post to your blog.
- thirdly, reflect on how stereotypes have influenced your development! Hand in for assessment!
YOUR LIFESIZE CUT OUTS ARE NOW DUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They will be put up soon!

Grade 12s- Please get your editorials in to me ASAP! We will be reading about and discussing Canadian Multiculturalism tomorrow!

Grade 10s- See me if you are missing work! Tomorrow we are learning about writing letters to the editor.

Funny Video! Thanks AW for reminding me of this!

Monday, September 5, 2011


Hey everyone! I hope you all had a chance to enjoy the b-e-a-utiful weather this weekend!
This week is supposed to be very nice too, so hopefully we can all stay focussed getting school work done efficiently so we can all savour what is left of summer!

GR 10s- you should have your 2 mysteries explained, with video, link, and image to accompany each.

Today we will be taking a look at a few mysterious events and reflecting on whether we think they are plausible....or impossible.

The first is the bermuda triangle:

The second is the Loch Ness monster

You will read and learn about the theories that support and refute these strange phenomena. Then you will respond to each, stating if you are a skeptic or believer, using evidence to support your position.

Grade 12s- You will be writing an editorial to post on your blog!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone is getting back into the school groove! We've spent our first classes reviewing classroom policies and procedures, and we have been introduced to our first units of study.

Grade 10s- Please remember your blog agreement sheets, and don't forget to get your blog up and running for tomorrow.

Grade 11s- Blog agreements and, please bring pictures and stories for your 'Looking Back' project. (Remember this will be a summative- grade based- assessment!)

Grade 12s- Bring your signed blog agreements, and you're set for tomorrow!

See you tomorrow!